Residents of the Village of Wayne will receive a huge discount
As a resident of the Village of Wayne, signing up with SBC Waste Solutions is an opportunity to save money on your waste and recycling pickup services. We look forward to the chance to become your waste hauler and to demonstrate our commitment to providing outstanding customer service and responsible waste management services. You can sign up below to get started right away.
$21.50/month Includes
Sign up below and get your “autopay” setup for safe convenient payments with no worries and no hassles
Weekly Pick-Up Service Curbside
SBC Waste Solutions will pick up your trash and recycling from your curbside once a week.
One New 95 Gallon Trash Toter
SBC Waste Solutions will deliver one 95-gallon toter to your home.
One New 65 Gallon Recycling Toter
SBC Waste Solutions will deliver one 65-gallon recycling toter to your residents.
We have changed our software system which will require users to do an initial registration. Please contact our Customer Service for your registration information. Thank You.